YWCA is on a mission and YWCA Billings is making it our own!
To save and change lives, we must meet our clients where they are most vulnerable and provide the compassion and services that place them on a path to self-sufficiency and prosperity.
Our vision is that all survivors and their families can achieve their full potential in a world without judgment.
This requires a focus on the future, anticipating the needs of our clients, and creating innovative solutions to the problems they most often face – lack of housing or unsafe living conditions, poverty, and under- or unemployment.
We are evolving our services to meet the changing needs of our clients today and in the future.
We remain rooted in rich history, but our approach to serving our clients is holistic, strategic and innovative.
Nationally, YWCA advocacy issues include lobbying for pay equity and hate crimes legislation, increased funding for Head Start and passing the Violence Against Women Act. Locally, through our programs, we are changing lives and restoring hope for women, their families, and our community!
Emergency Services ↘
YWCA Billings' offers Emergency Services at no cost to survivors of domestic violence, sexual assault, and/or human trafficking. Services include secure Emergency Shelter in Yellowstone and Big Horn County, 24/7 phone and text help lines and hospital accompaniment for survivors of sexual assault.
Secure Emergency Shelter
Gateway Horizons offers refuge for those fleeing domestic and sexual violence, or human trafficking
24-Hour Help Lines
Callers receive information, guidance and support from trained Victim Support Specialists
Hospital Accompaniment
Support for survivors of sexual violence during forensic evidence collection exams
Transitional Services ↘
YWCA Billings services address the trauma of domestic violence, sexual assault, and human trafficking. Our Transitional Services empower individuals in securing housing, employment, emotional health, personal safety—and ultimately, a life free from violence.
Case Management
Case Management provides support and resources for victims as they create a vision for their future
Legal Advocacy
On-site legal support is provided by a licensed attorney for civil legal needs that survivors face
Gateway Vista Apartments
Gateway Vista offers affordable housing for low-income individuals and families
Transitional and Rapid Re-Housing
YWCA’s Housing Navigator helps locate safe affordable housing and secure rent assistance as needed